Remembering Together

Pandemic Unmasked Trailer

February 08, 2021 British Embassy The Netherlands Season 2 Episode 0

Pandemic Unmasked is a short series of podcasts by the British Embassy The Hague reflecting on the Covid-19 pandemic that started almost a year ago. Leading scientists and experts from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands give their view on lessons learned and their experience of the exceptional time we are living through. What does the way out of this crisis look like? How can we use these experiences to be better prepared for the future? In addition, the experts reflect on the role of fake news.  

Host Andy Clark is a journalist and co-founder of production company Studio Lijn 14. The guests on the first episode are the Head of the Department for Viroscience at Erasmus MC, professor Marion Koopmans, and the British Foreign & Development Office's International Science Envoy, professor Carole Mundell.